Our Mission

At The Sporting Edge, our mission is to unravel the thrill of outdoor sports while embarking on a quest for reliable knowledge. Born from countless hours of trail-blazing through the outdoors and navigating the vast seas of online information, this blog seeks to be your compass in the world of outdoor sports. The Sporting Edge aims to feature the best guides, reliable suggestions, and practical tips and advice to enrich your outdoor adventures.

Meet Manuel

Hello! I’m Manuel, the face behind The Sporting Edge. Born and raised in Austria’s lovely countryside, I had a childhood filled with outdoor activities. Be it kayaking on the serene Ottensteiner Stausee or hiking through the tranquil trails of the Salzkammergut. Despite a formal education in business, the call of the wild led me to chase my dream of becoming a professional blogger and connect with a community that share my passion for outdoor activities.

Our Approach

Each blog post here at The Sporting Edge is crafted with a friendly, down-to-earth tone, diving into a wide array of topics. Our goal is to make the intricate world of outdoor adventures easily digestible. We break down the complexities with colourful visuals and real-world experiences, turning every reader into an informed enthusiast prepared to enjoy the great outdoors.

Our Community

We are more than a blog; we are a community of enthusiastic adventurers willing to share, learn, and grow. Our global readership, primarily from North America and Europe, reflects the universal allure of embracing the outdoors. The companionship here is as rewarding as the sports we participate in.

Your Adventure Begins Here

Whether you’re a novice kayaker seeking the perfect gear or a seasoned hiker in pursuit of the next thrilling trail, there’s a place for you here.

Feel free to dive into our blog, share your thoughts, and become a part of our vibrant community. Together, let’s embrace the boundless journey of outdoor adventures!

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